
JEMfriends is devoted to spreading awareness about the adversities aging out youth face and how the community can be the foundation of their journey to success.

JEMfriends believes the cornerstone ofempowering aging out youth to thrive is a fullinvestment of the community. We encourage everyone to engage in any way that they can including volunteering, donating, and spreading awareness.

If you are passionate about raising awareness of the obstacles aging out and at-risk youth face and the JEMfriends mission, please join us as a JEMfriends ambassador. Ambassadors share the message with friends, in personal and professional networks, and on social media. Learn more by connecting with our volunteer coordinator at

Our staff and volunteers welcome every opportunity to share what JEMfriends does, whether with large groups or just sitting down with a few friends at a coffee shop. We are happy to bring information and resources to your church, business, community group, or anyone who will listen. Events and get-togethers focus on raising awareness and motivating people to share independently as they go through their day, even without being an official part of the organization. JEMfriends would be honored by an invitation to spend time with your network! Please reach out to us at